In recent years, the field of minimal invasive surgery has rapidly expanded, and in particular, robotic surgery is the area that is getting the most attention not only from surgeons, but also from patients since the first introduction of da Vinci in 2005.
Various kinds of robotic surgery has been well performed and proved its feasibility as a surgical approach in gynecology. However, there is no journal publication which is focused only on gynecology robotic surgery. Accordingly, Society of Korean Robotic Gynecology Surgery (SKRGS) was established in 2018 to communicate and share knowledge and skills of robotic gynecology surgery to become more practical and future-oriented. It is a group of gynecology specialists who are focused on robotic surgery in gynecologic benign and malignancy cases with diverse experiences. As a first step to interact with gynecology surgeons worldwide and share a diversity of opinions and experiences, Gynecologic Robotic Surgery (GRS) is published with the help and effort of many great gynecology surgeons. It is the first journal on the subject of 'Gynecologic Robotic Surgery' and expects to play a major role in sharing knowledge, development and underlying expansion in related fields.
GRS welcomes the contributions of surgeons who are interested in gynecologic robotic surgery. The active interest and dedication of surgeons will be the driving force behind the development of GRS. GRS is always wide open for any new ideas, suggestions, and/or clinical trials for robotic gynecologic surgery.
Thank you for your support.